My Path


My experience with movement, alignment, and body awareness first originated through my ballet training. As a once committed dancer, I was introduced to yoga as a means to enhance my flexibility and rejuvenate my body. Starting from the age of 13 and throughout my teenage years, I spent multiple summers away at various ballet intensives. I found yoga to be a nourishing reset to the rigorous hours of training while studying at these competitive American companies. Back then, I appreciated the sole physical connection I had with yoga. Little did I know, this introduction would plant the first seeds of a growing relationship to the yoga practice.


Though my exposure to yoga took root earlier on, I’ve maintained a consistent practice over the past few years. Along this path, I have used yoga as a spiritual compass towards self-discovery, service to others, and a navigational tool through life’s inevitable challenges. Yoga has been a true friend and mentor in my personal growth, and has helped me to re-build a more compassionate relationship with myself and others. I come back to my mat time and time again because I feel the physical benefits, I sense more clarity and self-compassion, and I continue to align with my true authentic nature.


I am devoted to assist as many people as possible, and aim to provide others with accessible tools in exploring life’s many themes. I strive to be a living reflection of the world I wish to create, and seek to be an advocate for compassion, hope, and peace. I believe that relationships are at the heart of this human experience as a vital form of spiritual development. I am curious about the personal relations we form with the self, in addition to our everyday interactions. With this interest, I hope to introduce others to mindfulness for overall wellness and compassionate living. I've chosen this path in order to share, to learn, and to promote universal peace and love.

Life is a beautiful song. Open your heart and rejoice in its melody.
Once you are attuned to this song you will find the Composer
seated in the lotus of your heart.
— Swami Rama